n.a follower of Wesleyanism
adj.of or pertaining to or characteristic of the branch of Protestantism adhering to the views of Wesley
Book-Review - the Nearby Stars and the Stellar Luminosity Function - I.A.U. COLL.76 - Wesleyan - 1983JUN
Brian W. Dippie. The Vanishing American: White Attitudes and U.S. Indian Policy. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press. 1982...
The opposition to the influence of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionaries in Tonga
Theology in the Twenty-First Century Some Wesleyan Agendas
Sanctification & liberation : liberation theologies in light of the Wesleyan tradition
Saving the Sheep, Preserving the Fruit: A Plan of Christian Education for the Millennials and Beyond in the Midwest Wesleyan Church
RENDERS, Helmut. "New birth and natality: metaphors of the gratuitousness of life and willingness to fight in its defense". In: RIEG...
Toward a conceptual and operational union of bacterial systematics, ecology, and evolution
In the Name of Protection: A Queer Abolitionist Critique of Reform
Music Between Sounds: Relational Aesthetics & The Poetics Of Wandelweiser