the sound made by a sharp swift blow
the act of hitting vigorously
"he gave the table a whack"
Forty Whacks &; Other Stories
Forty Whacks and Other Stories
McClellan whacks Bush, White House
Bungled ERP installation whacks asyst
FTC Dusts off ROSCA, Whacks a Few Marketers
Malcolm Fraser whacks lackey Australia [Book Review]
Forty Whacks, Forty Winks: Lee-ann Wilber's Crime-Scene Bed and Breakfast
U.S. House takes its whacks at planning for 2020 census and at monthly survey
Bangs, Clicks, Snaps, Thuds and Whacks: An Architecture for Acoustic Transient Processing
Three Whacks at Wealth Transfer Tax Reform: Retained-Interest Transfers, Generation-Skipping Trusts, and Flp Valuation Discounts