n.(名词)A thong or whip of hide or leather.皮带,皮鞭:皮或皮革制成的皮带或鞭子
A lashing blow, as of a whip.抽打,如用鞭抽打The sound of such a blow.鞭打声v.tr.(及物动词)whanged,whang.ing,whangs To beat or whip with a thong.用皮带抽打;鞭笞To beat with a sharp blow or blows.猛力重打
来源:Dialectal variant of Middle English thong, thwang [thong] * see thong 中古英语 thong的方言变体, thwang [皮带] *参见 thong
whang 2
v.(动词)whanged,whang.ing,whangs v.tr.(及物动词)To strike so as to produce a loud, reverberant noise.发出打击声:敲击使发出砰砰响亮声v.intr.(不及物动词)To produce a loud, reverberant noise.发出打击声:产生响亮地砰砰作响n.(名词)A loud, reverberant noise.大的乒乓声
来源:[Imitative] [模仿]