n.(名词)Understanding of what is true, right, or lasting; insight:智慧:懂得什么是真的、正确的或永久的;洞察力:例句:.One cannot have wisdom without living life.(Dorothy McCall).一个人不经历生活不可能有智慧.(多萝西·麦克考)
Common sense; good judgment:常识;好的判断力:例句:.It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.(Henry David Thoreau).不做孤注一掷的事情是具有好的判断力的一个特点.(亨利·戴维·梭罗)
The sum of scholarly learning through the ages; knowledge:知识,学问:通过长时间学习获得的学识的总和,知识:例句:.In those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations.(Maya Angelou).在那些朴实的谚语中蕴含着几代人集体智慧的结晶.(马雅·安琪罗)
Wise teachings of the ancient sages.古训:古代智者明智的教育A wise outlook, plan, or course of action.明智:明智的看法、计划或行为过程Wisdom Bible Wisdom of Solomon. Wisdom 【圣经】 所罗门智训
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English wosdôm * see weid- 源自 古英语 wosdôm *参见 weid-