prep.Abbr. w.(介词)缩写 w.In the company of; accompanying:和,陪伴:在…陪伴下;随同:例句:Did you go with herô你跟她一起去吗ô
Next to; alongside of:在…旁边,同…在一起:例句:stood with the rabbi; sat with the family.与教士站在一起,与家人坐在一块儿
Having as a possession, an attribute, or a characteristic:带着,带来:作为所有物、属性或特点具有:例句:arrived with bad news; a man with a moustache.带来坏消息;留络腮胡子的男人
Used as a function word to indicate accompanying detail or condition:样子,状态:用作功能词表示伴随的细节或状况:例句:just sat there with his mouth open.只张着嘴坐在那儿
In a manner characterized by:以…方式:例句:performed with skill; spoke with enthusiasm.很有技巧地表演;热情地说话
In the performance, use, or operation of:使用:在…的表现、使用或运行中:例句:had trouble with the car.汽车出了毛病
In the charge or keeping of:负责,照料:例句:left the cat with the neighbors.把猫托邻居照顾
In the opinion or estimation of:以…的观点或估计:例句:if it`s all right with you.如果你没异议的话
In support of; on the side of:支持,赞同:例句:I`m with anyone who wants to help the homeless.我支持任何想帮助流浪汉的人
Of the same opinion or belief as:和…一致:与…有相同观点或信仰:例句:He is with us on that issue.在那个议题上他和我们观点一致
In the same group or mixture as; among:混在一起:在同一组中或同一混和物中;在…中:例句:planted onions with the carrots.把胡萝和洋葱种在一起
In the membership or employment of:是…的成员;受…雇佣:例句:plays with a symphony orchestra; is with a publishing company.在交响乐团内演奏;受雇于一个出版公司
By the means or agency of:用:通过…的方式或媒介:例句:eat with a fork; made us laugh with his jokes.用叉子吃饭;以他的笑话引我们发笑
By the presence or use of:以:通过…的存在或使用:例句:a pillow stuffed with feathers; balloons filled with helium.用羽毛装满的枕头;装满氦气的气球
In spite of:尽管:例句:With all her experience, she could not get a job.尽管很有经验,她还是找不到工作
In the same direction as:与…同向:例句:sail with the wind; flow with the river.顺风起帆;顺河而流
At the same time as:与…同时:例句:gets up with the birds.与鸟儿同时起床
In regard to:关于,对于:例句:We are pleased with her decision. They are disgusted with the status quo.她这样决定,我们很高兴;他们对现状很厌恶
Used as a function word to indicate a party to an action, a communicative activity, or an informal agreement or settlement:和…:用作功能词表示某个动作、交流活动或非正式协议或决定的一方:例句:played with the dog; had a talk with the class; lives with an aunt.与狗玩;和班上的同学谈一谈;与姑母住在一起
In comparison or contrast to:与…相比;与…对照:例句:a dress identical with the one her sister just bought.和她姐姐刚买衣服同一款式
Having received:收到,获得:例句:With her permission, he left. I escaped with just a few bruises.获得她允许后,他离开了。我逃跑时只受了一些擦伤
And; plus:和;加上:例句:My books, with my brother`s, make a sizable library. We had turkey with all the trimmings.我的书加上的弟弟的书能够办成一个不小的图书馆了;我们有火鸡和所需的调料
Inclusive of; including:包括:例句:comes to $29.95 with postage and handling.包括邮资和手续费总共是29.95美元
In opposition to; against:反对;对抗:例句:wrestling with an opponent.与对手摔跤
As a result or consequence of:结果,后果:例句:trembling with fear; sick with the flu.害怕的发抖;感染了流行性感冒
So as to be touching or joined to:加入,联合:为了取得联系;把…连起来:例句:coupled the first car with the second; linked arms with their partners.把第一辆汽车和第二辆配成双;与伙伴手挽手
So as to be free of or separated from:分离,离开:为脱离,为与…分开:例句:parted with her husband.与她丈夫分手
In the course of:在…的过程中:例句:We grow older with the hours.我们随时光流逝而长大
In proportion to:与成比例:例句:wines that improve with age.酒越陈越香
In relationship to:在…的关系中:例句:at ease with my peers.与我的同事关系融洽
As well as; in favorable comparison to:也;较好:例句:She could sing with the best of them.她可以唱得同他们中最棒的人一起好
According to the experience or practice of:根据经验,根据实践:例句:With me, it is a question of priorities.对我来说,这是个优先权的问题
Used as a function word to indicate close association:用作功能词表示密切联系:例句:With the advent of the rockets, the Space Age began.随着火箭的出现,太空时代开始了
<习惯用语>in with【非正式用语】
In league or association with:同伙或有联系:例句:He is in with the wrong crowd.他找错了同伴
习惯用语>来源:Middle English [with, against, from] 中古英语 [和,对,从] from Old English * see wi- 源自 古英语 *参见 wi-
With does not have the conjunctive force of and. Consequently, in the following example the verb is governed by the singular subject and remains singular: With 不具有 and 的连接作用。 因此,在下面例子里,动词只受单数主语的控制,所以也是单数: 例句:The governor, with his aides, is expected at the fair on Monday. See Usage Note at and 估计州长及其随从将会在星期一出席展览会 参见 and