Egg Size versus Carapace-Xiphiplastron Aperture Size in Gopherus berlandieri
Ontogeny of the plastron of the giant Amazon River turtle, Podocnemis expanse (Schweigger, 1812) (Testudines, Podocnemididae).
New Material of Gilmoremys lancensis nov. comb. (Testudines: Trionychidae) from the Hell Creek Formation and the Diagnosis of Plasto...
New chelid turtles of the lower section of the Cerro Barcino formation (Aptian-Albian?), Patagonia, Argentina
A revision of xinjiangchelyid turtles from the Late Jurassic of Sichuan Basin, China
Turtles from the late Hemphillian (latest Miocene) of Knox County, Nebraska
Nueva tortuga para el Cretácico Inferior de Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, España): Salasemys pulcherrima nv. gen. nv. sp.
Differences in shell morphology of Testudo graeca and Testudo hermanni, based on material from Bulgaria
Cheirogaster bacharidisi, sp. nov., a New Species of a Giant Tortoise from the Pliocene of Thessaloniki (Macedonia, Greece)
Notes on the biology of the slider, Trachemys scripta elegans (Reptilia: Emydidae), inhabiting man-made cattle ponds in West Texas