yodellern.yodel的变形yodel['jəudəl]vt., vi.用真假嗓音反复变换地唱(或叫喊)n.用真假嗓音急变互换的方式歌唱的动作(或声音)(流行于瑞士和奥地利山民之间的)用真假声急变互换的一种无词歌唱[亦作 yodle]变形:vt., vi. yodeled或yodelled.yodeling或yodelling
n.a singer who changes register rapidly (popular is Swiss folk songs)
Yodeller of the year Yodeller gives a an earful "I'M A FAMOUS YODELLER" The yodeller who won a million hearts DON WALSER ; Texas Yodeller Country Yodeller Sold Millions of Records Asbestos to Blame for Yodeller Death Obituary: Bill Callahan ; Hillbilly Yodeller Cyril Was Mr Music and Boro's Great Yodeller; Family Pays Tribute to Great-Grandad Vocal tract configurations in yodelling--prospective comparison of two Swiss yodeller and two non-yodeller subjects