余林余林俞林于林俞麟余琳 On the partial differential equations of electrostatic MEMS devices III: Refined touchdown behavior
Selective Degradation of Host MicroRNAs by an Intergenic HCMV Noncoding RNA Accelerates Virus Production
Upregulation of heparin-binding growth-associated molecule after spinal cord injury in adult rats
NF-κB and ERK-signaling pathways contribute to the gene expression induced by cag PAI-positive- Helicobacterpy/oriinfection
Energies, Vol. 5, Pages 3347-3362: An Intelligent Multiagent System for Autonomous Microgrid Operation
Layered touch panel: the input device with two touch panel layers
Sensors, Vol. 10, Pages 9712-9725: A Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for a Power Quality Monitoring System