- Zolpidem is prescribed to help people with insomnia fall asleep faster.
Zolpidem 被开处方用于帮助失眠患者更快入睡。
- Although zolpidem is effective for short-term sleep problems, it should not be used for extended periods.
虽然 zolpidem 对短期睡眠问题有效,但不应长期使用。
- Zolpidem can cause side effects like dizziness or memory problems in some individuals.
Zolpidem 可能会引起一些人头晕或记忆问题等副作用。
- Patients should be cautious when taking zolpidem, as it can lead to dependence if misused.
患者在服用 zolpidem 时应小心,因为滥用可能导致依赖。