NONE(无词性)A city of northeast Switzerland at the northern tip of theLake of Zurich. Founded before Roman times, Zurich became a free imperial city after 28 and joined the Swiss Confederation in 35. In the 'th century it was a center of the Swiss Reformation under the leadership of Ulrich Zwingli. Today it is the largest city in the country. Population, 354,500. 苏黎世:瑞士东北部一城市,位于苏黎世湖 的北端,建立于罗马时代以前,28年后成为自由的帝国城市,35年加入瑞士联邦,'世纪在乌尔里希·茨温利领导下,苏黎世成为瑞士改革的一个中心,现在它是该国最大的城市。人口354,500