1、Here you can see a falconry hawk, fat in the moult, still eager to be flying and working.
2、A bunch of feathers attached to a long cord, used in falconry to recall the hawk.
3、Horseback riding and falconry popular pastimes.
4、China is thought to be the mother country where falconry began many thousands of years ago.
5、Falconry has a long history in China.
6、A golden eagle is seen during the opening day of an international falconry fair in Guillena, Spain.
n. 放鹰捕猎, 训鹰术 详情0
1、The cardiogram is a chart and charts areinforcing bar造句
1、Go to look. Now people frightens themfirst water造句
1、The first water cure is the flood, andphysics造句
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1、This activation might promote developmrickey造句
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1、These recommendations go far beyond thleaky造句
1、In another corner, there was a stack otrilogy造句
1、The Lord of the Rings trilogy was abouboner造句
1、I am afraid you have pulled a boner ththirty-four造句
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1、You have to dry-clean that blouse.你必须干fort worth造句
1、Plus, Fort Worth is perhaps the best plocket造句
1、There was a scarlet oval over his hearbalcony造句
1、We will move a deck chair onto the balby and by造句
1、By and by he got used to it.他渐渐习惯了这种事。ans造句
1、of or relating to or resembling ans asincarceration造句
1、As a result, America's incarceration rnew deal造句
1、Yet Mr Zapatero quickly began to discuwhammy造句
1、Determining that could help you avoid