relative speed造句
1、The relative speed between driving wheel and pin rail varies with sinusoidal function.
2、Our special speedometer shows that the relative speed between the two trains is 20 MPH.
3、But, if you run the motor power at around 60 you will get a relative speed of 6-10 feet per minute.
但是,如果您运行的电机功率约为60你会得到一个相对速度为每分钟6 - 10米。
relative speed翻译
【计】 相对速度 详情0
1、I am confident that my redeemer who liblain造句
1、I took a look at her face, he left theimmunization造句
1、Routine infant immunization coverage aaspergillosis造句
1、Purpose: To improve the diagnosis andsecurity measure造句
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1、They are never exactly the same becauslcd造句
1、Old-fashioned CRT television, the LCDstretch造句
1、stretch out and her voice was a bellowgaging造句
1、The ILR series consist of gaging sensosung造句
1、I have sung the song already.我已经唱过了这首歌forbid造句
1、I forbid you to open it.我不许你打开它。2、Forbpsychics造句
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1、A short, blank strip of film at the enboard of education造句
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1、It was amazing what a morale booster hstm造句
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1、But many communication equipment and tcareen造句
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1、The alignment error and positioning pr