first person造句
1、I'm not the first person to write about this kind of "micro-productivity".
2、I hope that I am the first person who gives you the mooncake!
3、Then, you can have an event check-in with prizes for the first person who checks in, etc.
4、The first person known to have a prosthesis.
5、He USES first person narration in his novel the Danzig Trilogy.
6、Do you actually know who the first person to suggest daylight savings was?
7、Our reporter was the first person on the scene.
8、If they ask for help I’d be the first person to volunteer.
9、But the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born.
10、And, Mister Stoker was not the first person to write a story about a vampire.
11、"The first person to find out you're leaving should be your immediate boss," Seidel says.
12、Hanger was the first person to genetically sequence the koala retrovirus after its discovery.
13、Mr Litvinenko is thought to be the first person to die from acute polonium-210 poisoning.
14、In 1911 she became the first person to win a second Nobel Prize, this time for chemistry.
15、He was the first person to propose the construction of the bridge.
16、But he is not the first person to eat crabs.
17、Oblique form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular.
18、Who was the first person to run a mile in under four minutes?
19、Maestro: The first person who gets scared has to leave. How about that?
20、Roman Jakobson, a famous linguist, is the first person that adopts the permian semiotics.
21、Scholar Huang Zhonglian is the first person in China to systemize shift theory.
22、Sir Edmund Hillary is famous for being the first person to climb Mt. Everest.
23、I personally like the fast paced action of first person shooter games more than role playing games.
24、Oct. 24, 8:15 A.M. I'm sitting in homeroom and I'm the first person here.
25、I'm not the first person to relate our craft to that of past masters.
26、This novel uses the first person in narration.
27、He was the first person to explain how the rainbow works in detail.
28、Shapiro isn't the first person with this idea.
29、The first person offered a job might not be as good a match for it as the second or third person.
30、The first person to play a perfect game was Billy Mitchell in 1999.
第一个完美通关的人是比利·米切尔(Billy Michell),1999年。
first person翻译
第一人称 详情

as well as造句
1、Economic growth itself can increase thhank造句
1、Hank is a small-town country boy.汉克是个淳comeliness造句
1、Her comeliness overwhelmed him.她的清秀美丽使deflecting造句
1、The deflecting or warding off of a thrdefile造句
1、so he will not defile his offspring amvery softly造句
1、He whistled an air very softly to himsessential condition造句
1、Painful austerity is an essential condimagery造句
1、application of remote sensing imagerygo at造句
1、Let me have a go at it, all right让我试一试at the risk of造句
1、They were determined to get there evenabortive造句
1、The abortive seeds only accumulated lawasherwoman造句
1、Here is a poor old thing--a washerwomahardware造句
1、BDHHI's newest brand, K2, is a commercstay indoors造句
1、You should stay indoors until the shaka number of造句
1、Thick fog held up a number of trains.浓blanketing造句
1、Hot, humid air is blanketing much of trockery造句
1、Management personnel and professionalwampum造句
1、They paid a lot of wampum for the job他adamancy造句
1、Why to want to learn adamancy more, moHarold造句
1、The other room-mate harold goy was a g