1、Sometimes, it's forced upon you by overzealous C-level executives who need their servers back up.
2、Overzealous use of retractors can damage the skin and the musculature, as mentioned earlier.
3、An overzealous investor was taken in by a scam.
4、Unfortunately, this kind of query also represents an overzealous use of regular expressions.
5、We highlighted the danger of policy mistakes, especially the impact of overzealous austerity.
6、An overzealous security guard checked inside the baby's bottle.
7、We feel we can hardly be blamed for being overzealous in our refusal.
8、Another classic trap is alienating your boss with your overzealous self-promotion.
9、Yet, the property owner has been unable to bring a suit against the overzealous regulation.
a. 过分热忱的 详情猜你喜欢
1、Coal is an unregenerate resource.煤炭是不能piece of land造句
1、A piece of land which has fallen out odead end造句
1、We had come to a dead end in our reseaoperating造句
1、To do so, explains Joseph Healy, the camoeba造句
1、even amoeba are sensible creatures; thcornwallis造句
1、I saw hope dawning on the faces of Corsilky造句
1、a small breed with a wavy silky hair oradiographic造句
1、Hospital X-ray machines work by passinSYS造句
1、Ask your sys admins the following quesneigh造句
1、The second man entered the tent. The hby-product造句
1、Objective: To detect the mutagenicityphysical object造句
1、Impetus of a physical object in motionwilful造句
1、A number of considerations have led heproxima造句
1、The nearest star to our own is Proximarake in造句
1、Most plumbers rake in £1,000 a week oravionics造句
1、E - Avionics and Battery Master SwitchIRL造句
1、Virtual methods, which are defined infootloose造句
1、You don't haveto be a footloose youngdeactivation造句
1、The deactivation and regeneration of ato the point of造句
1、But he denied that they were religious