1、Small hand of two children is lovable, the handcart heavy and cumbersome is transiently skew.
2、I think, in the growing transiently of us, the best contribution is no more than this.
3、As-implanted silicon wafers are irradiated transiently using a large area low energy electron beam.
4、The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious.
5、Causes of syncope include any process that transiently reduces cerebral perfusion.
6、Three patients had 1-2 episodes of transiently detectable HBV DNA.
三名病人曾有过1-2次被检测到HBV DNA,但仅为暂时性的。
7、What was observed was that malaria would transiently drop.
revolving door造句
1、His luggage gets stuck in the revolvinsubconscious造句
1、Likewise, it is a regulator of subconshorse race造句
1、He risked $ 100 on the horse race andpreferable造句
1、It may be idealistic but it's preferabmutiny造句
1、If the manager hadn't accepted some ofattract造句
1、You will find it easy to attract love.come forward造句
1、They want any witnesses of the accidenhalf-truth造句
1、"I'm just going to work now," I muttermeshing造句
1、The existence of elastic meshing effecpremix造句
1、NoteL:Complex premix provided trace-mipleural造句
1、Objective To evaluate the ct featuresfile list造句
1、The above script first copies all of oartificial造句
1、A major drawback of vertical farming,poke造句
1、A poke in the jaw击中下颚的一拳2、Even the mosnational flag造句
1、The national flag flies in the sky.国庆节swede造句
1、The Swede revealed: 'The doctors and pgatt造句
1、By that time, maybe the GATT trade agrflagellum造句
1、Amphitrichous bacteria have a single fphasic造句
1、It can be classified as striated, cardseventy-nine造句
1、Although Aeschylus wrote nearly ninety