1、He started as COO at a company called NET, Network and Equipment Technology.
2、This trademark phrase from Wetpaint COO Rob Grady is particularly apt in Google's case.
3、Microsoft's COO Kevin Turner just had a quote for the ages.
微软首席运营官凯文·特纳(Kevin Turner)说了一句“千古名言”。
4、She paused to coo at the baby.
5、They would also gaggle and coo back at their baby.
6、Let’s leave the two young people to bill and coo together.
7、And he started to shove, when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove
vi. 咕咕地叫vi.vt. 谈情话, 轻轻地说, 温柔可爱地说, 温柔爱恋地说n. 鸽子的叫声, 鸽子叫似的轻声 详情0
1、The V8 engines are all interchangeableinevitable造句
1、The second one is a placeholder for thcornflower造句
1、Like the dahlia, the cornflower Centaubutcher shop造句
1、GOOD MEATS is a local butcher shop whepastime造句
1、Watching TV was, and still is, a majorshapeless造句
1、She used to come across like an old woleast square method造句
1、Methods Using least square method simuinvolutional造句
1、Conclusion Baixiantang can help improvglimmering造句
1、Then she had a nightmare—a walking corgermicide造句
1、Method Suspension quantitative germicimurder charge造句
1、Relaves of the victim watched from thetentative schedule造句
1、I think we can make (or form) a tentatmodus造句
1、We managed to achieve a kind of moduscheck list造句
1、Travel insurance companies can give yoaerated water造句
1、I also observed that mixing the aerateuncertainty principle造句
1、The uncertainty principle can accountdime造句
1、A dime is a tenth of a dollar.一角银币是十分之spoilage造句
1、Protects inventories from waste, spoilbirthplace造句
1、The Titanic’s birthplace on the Riverdea造句
1、Influence of Data Character on DEA Eva