1、Sir Roger Bannister, former Master of Pembroke College, is unusual among heads.
2、A mismark is a very serious color fault in the Pembroke Welsh Corgi for the show ring.
3、This depicts a Pembroke Welsh Corgi with heavy but acceptable white markings.
4、He studied at Pembroke College, Cambridge and embarked on a career as an actor.
5、By courtesy of the Master and Fellows, Pembroke College, Cambridge, Eng.
6、We have Pembroke area, and then Main green area where we live.
1、Seasoning: salt, MSG, white pepper, 1/oligocene造句
1、Late Oligocene and the Ulunguhe Fm. Easkinned造句
1、In each gene you have a light-skinnedassemble line造句
1、Support QA team to solve assemble lineinformally造句
1、So the moon has been informally christeconomic ties造句
1、But in this case it does nothing to botaxation造句
1、Experience in auditing, cost accountinsifter造句
1、The Sifter salutes you and your craft!residence time造句
1、Intelligent picture rotation, surfacesixty-five造句
1、Around two hundred sixty-five millionwater造句
1、Study on Prepaying Water Meter Managemdejectedly造句
1、"I am no detective," he admitted to hicio造句
1、Necessity of setting up the post of CIyawn造句
1、The key yawn instigator appears to bepolarise造句
1、She uses these pulses to determine howknowingly造句
1、The company has consistently denied itin the running造句
1、I think David is in the running for gesecond-class造句
1、We were second-class citizens and theyin line for造句
1、Manila resident Evelyn Belo, who waitereligious rite造句
1、To administer the religious rite of co