1、The Quad PD Array consists of either 10 -, 30 -, 40 -, or 50-micron diameter photodiodes.
方形光二极管阵列包括有10-、30 -、40 -或者50 -分米直径的光二极管。
2、If you prefer a different tilt Angle, it can be set manually when the quad is armed.
3、2 systems: Quad core CPU 2.4 GHz or higher, 64-bit.
系统:四核CPU 2.4GHz或者更高,64位。
4、CMOS dual and quad analog switch.
5、Out of the blue he then landed on my head when I got on the quad and I drove straight into a tree.
6、This was all done on an HS21 XM Blade, which is a two CPU quad core 2.33 GHz system.
7、The two companies have also developed a quad tilt-rotor concept for a potential JFTL program.
8、You must maintain visual orientation of the quad in order to competently command it where to go.
9、This sorting required about 3800 nodes with two quad core 2.5 Ghz processors per node.
10、Articles about rhythm and blues quad skating and a column by Bill Butler.
11、Or you could even go half way between a quad and a biped model.
12、Now let's apply this theory by writing a few simple test cases for the Quad example.
13、Here we see the quad lean into the wind while the gimbal keeps the camera steady.
14、Next, we wrote the simplest implementation of Quad in order to get the program to compile.
15、In working with this idea, I've called the fourth element of the quad above a context.
n. 铅块, 监狱, 四方院子, 四胞胎, 四胞胎中的一个孩子, 成套的四件东西【计】 四芯导线 详情

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