1、The Tanka life on the water is disappearing, and it's also disappearing as a culture.
2、Yet Tanka people rarely voiced regret for the passing of their old ways.
3、But the Tanka on their boats remain a people apart, an underclass in the region's economic boom.
4、But the Tanka community here forms a tight web that spans the river and the shore.
1、I have a pint of milk a day我一天吃一品脱牛奶。2on a sudden造句
1、The sculptor completed his work on a swarty造句
1、a fungal infection characterized by iteffective造句
1、In the following lines, we have providtemporary accommodation造句
1、A temporary accommodation of a disagreserial造句
1、One common problem is that the null-mopostoffice造句
1、Hardly had he got to the postoffice afpanting造句
1、They came panting up to his door withstorehouse造句
1、According to in storehouse and date ofwaking造句
1、change from a waking to a sleeping stagaslight造句
1、To those used to gaslight or candles,seek out造句
1、In this way of life we seek out pleasurested造句
1、An empty shoebox rested on top of theforeknow造句
1、The owner of resource and requestor doduplicity造句
1、Duplicity or deceit; treachery.口是心非,欺骗ornamentation造句
1、The most interesting ornamentation isfractionator造句
1、The bottom of LPG fractionator is sepagrenade造句
1、Simon caught the grenade and hurled itforeign exchange造句
1、Mr. Lin, would you please tell me somebank deposit造句
1、These policies include reducing bank d