1、Both of them will report to Mr. Wu Mengkang, the CEO of Leo Burnett in Great China Area.
2、Actually, it was Neil McBain with Leo Burnett Company out of Chicago.
3、"It's a classic form of design," Mr. Burnett said.
4、The P─V─T measuring device by Burnett method
5、Burnett is Americas 13th-biggest ad agency.
6、When he was 10, he sent a resume to The Carol Burnett Show.
7、Knuckle shopping bag designed by Leo Burnett Lisbon AD agency.
Leo Burnett Lisbon广告公司设计的扣指购物袋。
1、Conclusion: EACC was easily misdiagnosta造句
1、Electronic Structures and Physical Proframe in造句
1、a full length mirror in a frame in whicomplex function造句
1、The double complex function method iscube造句
1、The amount of summarization is determitheatrical performance造句
1、a short theatrical performance that isserial造句
1、One common problem is that the null-mothis life造句
1、Please Buy this life vest, which is thkingly造句
1、Down on your marrow bones, all of ye,vacillation造句
1、His constant vacillation made him an ublood glucose造句
1、Different area has different target goprocessing unit造句
1、The most common components of processifatality造句
1、Without proper treatment, DHF fatalityunsympathetic造句
1、By nature he is not an unsympathetic mdisc-shaped造句
1、Disc recording method, disc reproducinchangeful造句
1、Woman's a various and a changeful thinrenegade造句
1、He has shown himself to be a renegadeinterposition造句
1、It is equally impossible that we shoulrocky造句
1、The boys scrambled up the steep rockyblack flag造句
1、It was a pirate ship with a black flag