low priority造句
1、How to prioritise a busy queue so low priority items get processed too?
2、Use this to instantly filter low priority items away so you can focus on what's important.
3、In computing, the processing of low priority jobs.
4、These however are only my low priority to do list.
5、Mix in low priority tasks with more urgent ones otherwise they will never get done.
6、Default JIT compilation at low priority with Ahead-of-time compiled code used initially.
较低优先级上的默认JIT编译,在最初使用了提前(Ahead - of - time,AOT)编译代码。
7、Use of a low priority link is also recommended to provide further redundancy.
8、Adding/removing a LOW priority warning = -1/+1.
9、Prevention and control measures are ceded a low priority due to competing public health priorities.
由于公共卫生重点的激烈竞争,预防和控制措施未获得优先重视 5。
low priority翻译
【计】 低优先级 详情

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