1、Results show that sideslip makes twisting of vortices at upwind side delayed, but bursting of.
2、In most flight conditions it is desired to maintain the sideslip Angle equal to zero.
3、This sideslip detecting system is a complicated and automatic detection system.
n. 侧滑, 私生子vi. 侧滑 详情0
heart failure造句
1、The cause of the congestive heart failreclaim造句
1、My book, Reclaim Your Dreams, can helpyou bet造句
1、If you bet this as a single the bookmaalmaty造句
1、The Almaty Television Tower was builtproper noun造句
1、A new proper noun enters vocabulary Donews conference造句
1、The purpose of the news conference waspegging造句
1、The contestants were level pegging aftphasing造句
1、The phasing of the CT and primary areprofit forecast造句
1、Intel's profit forecast also got a lifosteolytic造句
1、Conclusions Osseous metastasis in lungpoint of contact造句
1、Thus, we have a single point of contacchute造句
1、But against the vast expanse of the sksolid ground造句
1、The French are on solid ground when thwearying造句
1、That said, this book becomes a bit weasideboard造句
1、I 'd like my sideboard cut short, pleaflecked造句
1、The grass underneath the trees was flelevel best造句
1、He did his level best to please his fasuperstring造句
1、It may even help to indirectly test sopolitic造句
1、When the fight begin, he think it poliagger造句
1、Ecological Marxism of Ben Agger and It