the first person造句
1、Melanie Klein is the first person who has done the systemic work.
2、Our reporter was the first person on the scene.
3、Inside the gate Saul asked the first person he saw about the prophet.
4、In 1911 she became the first person to win a second Nobel Prize, this time for chemistry.
5、He became the first person in her life to challenge her on her poor eating habits.
6、George Washington was the first person in the United States to own mules.
7、Oblique form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular.
8、The first person to write on the allonge shall endorse the conjuncture of the bill and the allonge.
9、The first person offered a job might not be as good a match for it as the second or third person.
10、Scholar Huang Zhonglian is the first person in China to systemize shift theory.
11、Don t use the first person I or any pronouns.
12、He was the first person I had taken into my confidence.
13、My teacher was the first person I had taken into my confidence.
14、Maestro: The first person who gets scared has to leave. How about that?
15、'I am' is the first person singular of the present tense of the verb 'to be'.
Iam是动词to be现在时的第一人称单数。
16、The first person known to have a prosthesis.
17、This novel uses the first person in narration.
18、The first person to spot his or her picture and alert the airline wins a prize.
19、I'm hardly the first person to do this, but the idea was certainly new to me.
20、Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.
21、He set 80 world records and was the first person to lift 500 pounds in the clean and jerk.
22、Hanger was the first person to genetically sequence the koala retrovirus after its discovery.
23、But the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born.
24、Mr Litvinenko is thought to be the first person to die from acute polonium-210 poisoning.
25、The first person to play a perfect game was Billy Mitchell in 1999.
第一个完美通关的人是比利·米切尔(Billy Michell),1999年。
26、I hope that I am the first person who gives you the mooncake!
27、He was the first person to explain how the rainbow works in detail.
28、I usually bombard the first person I see and start ranting to them.
29、Oct. 24, 8:15 A.M. I'm sitting in homeroom and I'm the first person here.
30、If you're fit enough to open the door in an emergency, you can be the first person out.
data record造句
1、Prompts just one time during a mail megambler造句
1、Early incarnations of Lando describedplane geometry造句
1、This paper lists the transformation oftake root造句
1、New principles rarely take root in Wasdivisional造句
1、Group or divisional management meetinginternal gear造句
1、Straight conjugate internal gear pumpgalloway造句
1、Professor Galloway says animal proteinbrush造句
1、a cylindrical brush on a thin shaft thpleasantly造句
1、Whenever he was alone, the pretty girlskipjack造句
1、Skipjack and bonito, whole or in piececart off造句
1、Please cart off the mountains of rubbimagnetized造句
1、The iron was magnetized by passing eleeastbound造句
1、Eastbound East Road in Chaoyang Distrilandau造句
1、Four Kinds of Raising and Lowering Opedilute造句
1、Zinc displaces the hydrogen of diluteCML造句
1、Do we have to kill the last CML cell?是unrivalled造句
1、It also has an unrivalled distributionobliquely造句
1、He obliquely referred to the U.S., Briget up造句
1、Must we get used to get up early ?我们必须sanatorium造句
1、The sanatorium stood on a large plot o