cap in hand造句
1、Cap in hand the pilots represented that they were not at all tired.
2、Hungary has already had to go cap in hand to the IMF for a loan.
3、Go cap in hand to sb, asking for money
4、Circumstances once forced him to go cap in hand to the boss for help.
5、They would have to go cap in hand to America for help, and Washington could dictate its own terms.
6、For less sanguine investors, the idea of going cap in hand to China smacked of desperation.
7、He went cap in hand to the boss and asked for work.
8、So the king has had to go cap in hand to his rich neighbour, South Africa.
9、He went cap in hand to the teacher.
10、The old man went cap in hand to the rich, asking some money.
cap in hand翻译
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