1、Some of TCM patterns of syndrome of PBC had the feature of dynastic variation.
2、"Chuanshan Poem" published by China Press is the best edition of Qing Dynastic poet's Poetry.
3、The result is confirmed by dynastic triaxial test.
4、The custom is a holdover from China's dynastic days.
5、That is when their strengths risk turning into weaknesses and dynastic atrophy can set in.
6、And most dynastic changes came about as a result of such peasant uprisings.
7、In Game of Thrones' dynastic world, marriage is merger.
8、Congress, despite able technocrats, like Mr Singh, remains an antiquated dynastic machine.
9、Dynastic succession has to go, they say: we are not North Korea.
10、It didn't serve the dynastic interests of the dynasty, which he identified with the Russian people.
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