1、The fluctuant price of global fat was analyzed here.
2、The 2nd, the website is fluctuant not too big, can be fallen to counterpoise otherwise or by K.
3、The fluctuant is different with the influence of period and swing of the sine wave.
4、Emphasize growth and fluctuant connection, hold wave motion through studying growth comes.
5、Their mood is in a kind of fluctuant angst condition.
6、The magnitude of value of commodity as labor productivity fluctuant and fluctuant.
7、It is to enter hill to search dragon above all, be in winding in fluctuant numerous mountain ridge.
a. 变动的, 波动的, 起伏的 详情0
1、Second is to further rectify the landtormentor造句
1、And unlike Fawzia, her tormentor was arocket launcher造句
1、Use rocket launcher as passive controltelegraphic造句
1、The paper strip on which a telegraphicforelock造句
1、He touched his forelock in mock defereeach month造句
1、How many copies of The English Journalanterior造句
1、There are three kinds of relationshipspremier造句
1、An architect of premier rank.处于主要地位的建筑ungroup造句
1、To ungroup the slides, select the grouclosed set造句
1、I was there, but it was a closed set squavering造句
1、She asked in a quavering voice.她用颤抖的声音apartment造句
1、It's covering an apartment building unspinal造句
1、The tensile strength of vagus and spinrevel造句
1、At this moment, you are intoxicated, rjuvenility造句
1、Men's juvenility isn't capital.男人年轻不是什to the north造句
1、Their house is to the north of the parstrong-smelling造句
1、Musk is a kind of strong-smelling subsfat-soluble造句
1、But alcohol dissolves both fat-solubletenuously造句
1、He kept in contact with her, if only vbirthday造句
1、My birthday is on February the elevent