1、Leaf blade and petioles puberulent to woolly at least along veins; anthers globose or reniform.
2、This is a form distinguished by its small, globose utricles.
3、Male flowers globose in bud, ca. 1 mm; anthers circular.
4、Results The pests in floorboard were globose spider beetle.
5、globose or ovoid squash with striped gray and green warty rind.
6、Red globose alga is actually a kind of green alga, which can be used as feedstuff.
7、prized variety of chicory having globose heads of red leaves.
8、Fruit baccate, white to pale green, rarely red, globose or depressed-globose, usually ribbed.
a. 球状的, 球形的【医】 球形的, 球状的 详情猜你喜欢
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1、contractile proteins of muscle肌肉收缩蛋白质2appeasement造句
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1、The organization is dependant on amainpost office box造句
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1、She was promoted to branch manager lascarried造句
1、Messrs Tapscott and Williams sometimesunintended造句
1、But legislation to protect consumers fpuppetry造句
1、In Japan, the tradition of bunraku puppositivism造句
1、And then there are two categories of fbrandenburg造句
1、The spruced-up Brandenburg Gate todaypaper trail造句
1、His colleagues said that keeping a papacridine造句
1、The photophysical behavior of polystyrtorsional造句
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1、Before you leave for the store, toss agrowth rate造句
1、Hot electron ring can reduce growth raactive element造句
1、It goes without saying that oxygen isgreenness造句
1、The greenness of grass can not be seenusurer造句
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1、Don't squander your words or your thou