1、Podcars typically run on an elevated guideway or rails, but they also can run at street level.
2、The guideway plays an important part in guiding and supporting for heavy machine tool.
3、Rolling ball guideway is used on longitudinal direction.
4、Holds high rigidity and high accuracy concurrently from Linear Guideway and magnetic encoder.
5、Maglev guideway is the main part of high speed maglev transportation system.
6、Patented precision-machined dovetail guideway in Y axis improves CMM's accuracy and repeatability.
7、Closed elevated guideway is widely applied in maglev railway system.
8、Experience in Repairing machine guideway with wearable soft band is introduced.
9、Saves installation space by integrating the Linear Guideway with magnetic encoder.
10、Dynamic property of the guideway girder is a key problem for the high-speed magnetic technology.
11、Design & application of V-shaped ball guideway blocks
n. 导沟, 导向槽 详情猜你喜欢
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