1、Here, from a window, did Guinevere espy a knight standing in a woodman's cart.
2、Just as 16 Sir Galahad rescued Guinevere from the dragon, I will rescue you.
3、In 1191, monks claimed to have discovered the remains of Arthur and Guinevere at Glastonbury Abbey.
1、Reading between the lines can simmer ain depth造句
1、Of course, we discuss these issues andmustache造句
1、Wiping a mustache of foam off his uppemosey造句
1、Let's mosey along over to campus and glike sardines造句
1、On the other side of the building turtjumbled造句
1、The reason was you and 'the life' jumbrick造句
1、Why don't I expect much from Mr. Bernaextenuate造句
1、Nothing can extenuate his crime.他的罪责无法voting造句
1、Several MPs abstained from voting at tarrears造句
1、If you fall into arrears with the loangive into造句
1、Don't give into the wall.不要让步于你的障碍物。2、date of delivery造句
1、The date of delivery is approaching, bwhole kit造句
1、I want to know how much you paid for tcome along造句
1、Friends like you only come along oncehs造句
1、Only 3 out of all the 39 DHS and Hs limuscle cell造句
1、Then why does muscle cell need an incrbond rating造句
1、Toronto-based Dominion Bond Rating Seramerican eagle造句
1、large North American eagle having a wheden造句
1、East of Eden is a parable小说《伊甸之东》是一部寓言cinnabar造句
1、Will it end or begin in your cinnabar