trial and error造句
1、The example shows that the formula is more efficient than the trial and error method.
2、Developing the solution with this in mind involved some trial and error for us.
3、It will likely be an iterative process as well, using the trial and error approach again.
4、This process of trial and error helps designers to improve and refine their ideas.
5、You may have to find your perfect breakfast food through a trial and error process.
6、The researchers initially used trial and error to place the sensor nodes.
7、It might take several steps of trial and error to determine the ideal number of groups to create.
8、They needed a stronger crystal, but the process of trial and error takes a long time.
9、Secondly, the TCN treatment consists of dynamic adjustment and trial and error method.
10、The process parameters were usually determined in production by trial and error method.
11、The trial and error process can be a huge waste of time.
12、Trial and error revealed that it was best to put in the amide before the epoxide.
13、Engineers used the trial and error method in selecting the other colors.
trial and error翻译
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