1、Instead of a whiny turbine drill he USES a flash of laser light to blast away dentin and enamel.
2、People get rude and whiny and exacting when they are exhausted.
3、You have tired of the whiny days.
4、However, whiny urban, please don't forget, the world is an illusion.
5、'It's just three whiny gagno' was the fierce reply, in dialect.
6、People get rude and whiny when they are exhausted.
7、Talking in a whiny voice may be dementing but it is not gross misconduct
8、It would be less whiny and more appreciative.
1、Lassa fever is endemic to West Africa,academic degree造句
1、Possessing an academic degree or diplofrom end to end造句
1、To divide from end to end or along thepivotal造句
1、Here, the strong coupling of quantum bquayside造句
1、Quayside container crane is a crane.岸边small wonder造句
1、Small wonder others are keen to know tcustoms office造句
1、In January 1929, a misdirected packagesamurai造句
1、In a Samurai film's inevitable finale,real assets造句
1、Virtually all real assets involve somedoom造句
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1、Some diversion will happen, but firmswiper motor造句
1、The bottom shows the wiper motor in acmaddening造句
1、Even though many times before, you nevgarden city造句
1、Changzhi is the Nationally Designatedhuman factor造句
1、The way of the human factor acting onfreeform造句
1、In the Freeform diagram just created isporangium造句
1、(of ferns) having each sporangium formmess up造句
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1、New cqtool command line interface witcardiac output造句
1、The major morbidity were low cardiac o