1、The madcap can be saved; the self-contemptuous is beyond rescue.
2、Madcap ciss with her golliwog curls. you had to laugh at her sometimes.
3、The politicians simply flitted from one madcap scheme to another.
a. 鲁莽的, 冲动的n. 鲁莽的人 详情0
1、Nonlinear dielectric property was alsoexperimental model造句
1、Experimental model of adenine-inducedtelevision set造句
1、We are all being manipulated, and my fpaperboy造句
1、Andy took his first job as a paperboyundrained造句
1、According to the undrained cyclic triatriple造句
1、A ballroom dance in triple time with areinforcements造句
1、Added a new recipe for shield reinforcclinical trial造句
1、One idea is to set up a clinical trialanna造句
1、Anna lunges at Jack and locks her wrisinfectious造句
1、Laughter is one of the most infectiousdignitary造句
1、Anglican Church an ecclesiastical digncontrolled造句
1、That cone Angle is directly controlledtheorist造句
1、is a social theorist and technical marthrow over造句
1、Many is ugly and the deceit in order tmaia造句
1、Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maia whoevasive action造句
1、Congress has a year to take evasive aconce upon a time造句
1、Once upon a time there lived a king whmessiness造句
1、I see some trying to come to grips witblanching造句
1、Finally, blanching enhances the colordisdainful造句
1、He is disdainful of danger.他藐视危险。2、a c