1、Anglican Church an ecclesiastical dignitary usually ranking just below a bishop.
2、The dignitary is addressed by people respectfully as "Sanzang Rabbi".
3、Have you ever dislike your husband no dignitary and position no get promoted and no enough money?
4、Dignitary Bingo, ten bucks a sheet; are you in?
猜人物宾果游戏,一页十美元, 怎么样?。
n. 高贵的人, 高官, 高僧, 要人 详情

1、Besides, the diurnal change of AOD hascalderon造句
1、Calderon stood up, went to the door.卡尔with respect to造句
1、Referred or with respect to the sun.日心curry powder造句
1、Study on antimicrobial activities of tside entrance造句
1、A side entrance of a modern enhancemenright to life造句
1、Everyone's right to life shall be protcrematorium造句
1、And you can also find the crematoriumpomegranate造句
1、Pomegranate husk on the pot to boil, tvisional造句
1、What this game uses is a visional engihandbrake造句
1、Do not drive with the handbrake on.手闸启retreat造句
1、Such a retreat into privacy went stronoccupancy rate造句
1、The occupancy rate of beds has been avrevocation造句
1、Chapter four is on the revocation andhead造句
1、shave the head of a newly inducted mondiscreetly造句
1、I joke, imagining the Ritz trying disckoro造句
1、The team will return to India to contiscopes造句
1、However, in many cases, scopes may croamused造句
1、So she knows Numbers of amused things,west nile virus造句
1、However, West Nile virus can cause deafederation造句
1、The data federation pattern virtualize