1、The Flying Tiger from Amarillo was first buried in China, then briefly in Hawaii.
2、John Ed Blackburn: the Amarillo aviator died in China in 1942 while serving with the Flying Tigers.
3、John Ed Blackburn: Amarillo aviator died in China in 1942 while serving with the Flying Tigers.
4、A rusted, muddy piece of Amarillo history soon may be pulled out of a lake in China.
5、He remembered how when they reached Amarillo they went north up into the panhandle.
count off造句
1、We count off five men and five women tmartian造句
1、The Martian is back, and this time hetattooing造句
1、Tattooing is not just the province ofsuperconductive造句
1、At present the study of high Tc supercdu造句
1、Clifford Du Bois regarded his acid youmathematical model造句
1、Mathematical Model and Dynamic Simulatbee造句
1、The bee has creaky wings and thanks toplay along with造句
1、Mr Xie said: "we are not allowed to plcatalyze造句
1、They can catalyze the oxidation of cycwinsome造句
1、In person, he is surprisingly winsomefiber optics造句
1、Verizon is upgrading to fiber optics bfingerless造句
1、On his right hand was a gauntlet of loworking order造句
1、OOW shall check the working order of Gframe rate造句
1、Note also that you slow the frame ratetake the cake造句
1、But a strong Volcker Rule just might tcombinatorial造句
1、The symbol now has two meanings, the cwith child造句
1、Getting a girl with child before marribasketball season造句
1、Now it is the football season, and thelouis xvi造句
1、1770-Marie Antoinette, age 14, marriedselling price造句
1、The unsubsidized selling price of the