1、In Chapter I, the studies on the formaldehyde oxime in recent years are introduced.
2、Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of oxime and acidic head group structural variations.
3、The cross reactivities for avermectin B_1 was 51% and for milbemycin oxime was less than 0.2%.
【化】 肟 详情0
1、Caitlin was born with a life-threatenidime造句
1、A dime is a tenth of a dollar.一角银币是十分之hurricane造句
1、And the storm was a ferocious hurricanconceive of造句
1、No one could conceive of his hard workmacroeconomics造句
1、Macroeconomics discusses how the moneyartless造句
1、My artless comment was mistaken FOR rukit and caboodle造句
1、Frankly speaking, I think the whole kidecarboxylation造句
1、Aim: To study the decarboxylation of qrevamp造句
1、Why did Ubisoft decide to revamp the Mnon-static造句
1、Realizing the access of static memberchide造句
1、Who then could chide the gloomy tearslange造句
1、'Laura has worked very hard in recententirely造句
1、That performance was entirely out of woilskin造句
1、"And I'll take this to square the counburton造句
1、Mr. Burton exerted a lot of pressure otanzanian造句
1、The program aims to provide insecticidpolice state造句
1、While promoting culture of police statseniority system造句
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1、IBM is also giving data professionals