1、I don't want to dice with death by pissing off this guy.
2、Anyone can organise a house party, but these often just end up pissing off the neighbours.
3、Who's pissing about with my manuscript?They're all out of order.
4、"What have you been doing today?" "Oh, nothing, just pissing about."
contract law造句
1、The bulk of American contract law is jpuppet show造句
1、The Captain highly praises the puppetregrets造句
1、He also regrets that the local distribHypervisor造句
1、Listing 9b. Update the hypervisor statusn造句
1、When you fetch an object from the servone-liner造句
1、Use your one-liner skills sparingly.请省photoperiod造句
1、Co was an important gene involved inauthoritarian造句
1、Analyses of the Authoritarian Regime ofor life造句
1、You cannot find a medicine for life onovercurrent造句
1、LED Light bead damage was mainly due tvalidate造句
1、In most cases, it will be sufficient fbig bad wolf造句
1、The big bad wolf also got to the littlcongruent造句
1、Two triangles are congruent if they hatigris造句
1、Bell swam in the Tigris River and oftecaptivated造句
1、He was captivated by the adventures ofimmoderate造句
1、immoderate indulgence of bodily appetikilled造句
1、In 2005, more than 250 pilgrims were kloss造句
1、Nothing could atone for the loss of gorelative risk造句
1、Pooled relative risk and 95% confidenunary造句
1、For example, the unary increment opera