black pepper造句
1、James: I want it medium-done. And I want it with black pepper gravy.
2、Steak with more than: Black pepper sauce, Red Wine sauce, Cream sauce.
3、Black pepper may be added and the Kalmyks sometimes add bay leaf or nutmeg.
4、I order black pepper sirloin without any paprika.
5、Black pepper and vanilla are seed plants.
6、Mix with salt, garlic, chilli, black pepper and Chinese parsley.
7、Today's special is black pepper steak.
8、Brew black pepper tea.
9、Roll the meat in coarsely ground black pepper to season it.
10、The red wine has full body with black pepper character and moderate tannin content.
11、All above is choice: black pepper juice, onion juice, hyssop juice, garlic juice.
12、Now add bay leaf, black pepper and boil for 30 minutes more.
13、This is your beef steak with black pepper and pasta, Hope you'll enjoy it.
14、We have an excellent black pepper steak today.
black pepper翻译
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