
1、The commercially supplied horse anti-tredundancy check造句
1、Checksum computes a 32-bit cyclic redusocial structure造句
1、Coleman interpreted social capital assharing造句
1、I suggested sharing the cost, but he wcracking造句
1、Failure Analysis on Quenching CrackingDNS造句
1、Server's IP address or DNS name服务器的IP地modern times造句
1、One of the great achievements of moderdecrease in value造句
1、decrease in value of an asset due to ounimpeachable造句
1、He said all five were men of unimpeachwharves造句
1、I remember the black wharves and slipshypha造句
1、The pathogenicity of hypha and spore warsenic造句
1、Arsenic in groundwater.含砷地下水-至少75万。2、Agreat depression造句
1、If the Great Depression is any guide,esophagitis造句
1、Objective to probe into the nursing ofround-the-world造句
1、John took a round-the-world trip at higusset造句
1、Remember that the main gusset is slighlower bound造句
1、New Lower Bound of Classical Three colnazi造句
1、His mother had been sent to a Nazi Gerpre-eminent造句
1、He has pre-eminent position in societyantenna造句
1、A New Type of Reflector Antenna Based