efficient operation造句
1、To ensure teamwork and efficient operation of the hotel through team spirit development.
2、Adjustable impeller and the clearance between the boards to ensure efficient operation of the pump.
3、has realized a safe, reliable and efficient operation of the system
efficient operation翻译
【计】 有效操作 详情0
deal out造句
1、Kandy makes a big deal out of everythioverpopulated造句
1、China is an overpopulated nation whichconfederate造句
1、He says he will paint over its Confedemaster bedroom造句
1、The master bedroom is part of a suitemonopolization造句
1、The operation of contracted enterprisearcheozoic造句
1、The metallogenic substance mainly comesore throat造句
1、I have a sore throat and it make me fevarices造句
1、Varices were present in half of the paofficial rate造句
1、Yes more exactly at one official rateaccomplish造句
1、The Access class USES each of the helpsteppe造句
1、There are two types of Caucasians in Apanicky造句
1、Good documentation can reduce the harmplayable造句
1、a playable lie in golf高尔夫球中可以继续比赛的球位2、nauseate造句
1、Finally, all those delicacies from mouself-guided造句
1、The roadbook is your self-guided booksuperbug造句
1、Gel placed in the nose could beat supesodom造句
1、The pedlar insisted on selling the appsleepy造句
1、You will more likely gorge yourself atmayo造句
1、Here's a look at energy density by thedumbbell造句
1、Lie on your back and grasp a dumbbell