reserve ratio造句
1、The slide was triggered by a 100 basis point increase in the bank reserve ratio requirement.
2、China has increased the reserve ratio six times and raised interest rates four times since October.
3、Since January 2007 the minimum reserve ratio has been raised 16 times, from 9% to 17.5%.
4、Reserve ratio is the fraction of deposits that Banks hold as reserves.
reserve ratio翻译
【经】 储备比率, 准备比率 详情0
1、Harlequin ichthyosis is a severe subtneural造句
1、He found that these neural avalanchesvividly造句
1、This battle was vividly recorded in thtightness造句
1、Processed to drawing,greatly enhancingbob造句
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1、Such protestations were lost to the soscuttling造句
1、Since he is only seen scuttling betweenot yet造句
1、The news is not yet official.这消息尚未经官方证by accident造句
1、He sliced his fingers by accident whein-flight造句
1、Most airlines give you earphones to lialopecia造句
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1、This paper expounds the influence of bmucin造句
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1、What was your assessable income last yseaport造句
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1、The women wore veils in deference to t