1、The most common RPG method for performing a random read using a key is the CHAIN operation.
2、I have chosen RPG IV free format style as my host based programming language.
3、It allows you to send additional status information back to the RPG program.
4、These are the structures that can be used in an RPG program when unexpected errors occur.
5、Development of Mobile Network RPG Game on J2ME
6、Add RPG prototypes for service interface functions and operations.
7、In this article, I will be using RPG sub-procedures using embedded SQL.
8、The actual value will be provided on the first RPG keyed IO operation.
9、Here is a description of each RPG file that is generated.
下面是生成的每个R PG文件的说明。
10、Because the SELECT INTO returns a single row it cannot be used for other RPG read operations.
由于SELECTINTO返回单个行,因此它不能用于其他R PG读操作。
11、Replacing RPG traditional archiving and purging techniques with an SQL MERGE statement
12、TR -the first RPG I ever played was Ultima 2 on an Atari 800 computer, back in 1983.
Thomas Riegsecker:第一款RPG是我在雅达利800电脑上玩的创世纪2,那还是1983年。
13、This causes an exception to occur in the RPG program being handled.
14、The RPG program is defining the surrogate file for update intent.
15、The status codes are defined in the ILE RPG Reference Manual.
ILER PG参考手册定义了这些状态码。
16、Handling Implicit and Explicit RPG Close operations.
处理隐式和显式R PG关闭操作。
17、Do you want to be surrounded by cutis in a RPG game instead of monsters?
18、Several of these RPG programs would also benefit from utilizing modern data centric techniques.
19、It is now a fully supported component of the RPG and COBOL for IBM I feature.
20、Design of RPG Engine with J2ME
21、Handling Implicit and Explicit RPG Open operations.
22、RPG uses a 1 character field to determine if a column contains nulls.
23、Pretty much any computer RPG from this golden era is what still inspires me to this day.
24、The RPG Select statement controls which sub-procedure will be executed based on the RPG operation.
25、There is no guarantee that the RPG program is using a unique key on the CHAIN.
无法保证RPG程序正在 CHAIN 上使用一个唯一键。
26、A new keyword can now be added to an existing RPG file specification.
27、The format-based handler exploits the new template capability of RPG IV.
基于格式的Handlder 程序利用RPG IV的新模板功能。
28、Creating an RPG application that USES RPG stub code.
【计】 报表程序的生成程序 详情猜你喜欢
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