1、Terence came in late again.
2、Big A1 cherished her more than Terence did.
3、If you don't know, Terence has been my best friend for 14 year!
4、Terence Stampis one of the best-dressed men in London.
5、Finally, it calls the DMS's update() method, passing the updated data graph for Terence Shorter.
最后调用DMS的update()方法,传递更新的Terence Shorter数据图。
1、Imagery and Habitability in Urban Desicut no ice造句
1、His excuses cut no ice with me.他的申辩丝毫不act for造句
1、He will act for me when I am not here.test-bed造句
1、Accurate and reliable seeding accuracyreal bargain造句
1、That car is a real bargain at300那辆汽车30palatial造句
1、After he retired, Shen bought a palatithe many造句
1、Addition and correction of icons for tresign造句
1、He was obliged to resign when one of hmolecular biologist造句
1、FOR a Nobel laureate, the molecular bijanus造句
1、With two faces, Janus could look backacromegaly造句
1、AbstractFrom 1954 to 1989, 363 patienttrial造句
1、The trial is currently in session andgoose造句
1、Will my parents slaughter a goose? I dat the earliest造句
1、Crowley concludes by saying another meuse造句
1、Use your correct database name, user IAzotobacter造句
1、The numbers of bacteria, azotobacter acoccidia造句
1、The drug resistance of chicken coccidideterminate造句
1、The determinate factor of our economygulp造句
1、Ray took a gulp of coffee and rushed obedclothes造句
1、Every time Jack rolled over the pulled