1、With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future.
2、Janus intends to prosecute anyone continuing to manufacture and sell imitation Janus diskettes.
3、I neglected to check an appropriate box in Janus and it kept casting the chart for his birthplace.
4、An ancient collision may explain the moon's Janus faces.
5、The Janus Corporation will not be responsible for imitations.
6、Janus is one of Saturn's smaller moons and measures only about 180 kilometers across.
7、WHEN Niklas zennstrom and Janus Friis announce a new venture, the world takes notice.
8、Although it seems to be hovering over the rings, Saturn's moon Janus is actually far behind them.
9、The doors of the Temple of Janus are officially shut.
10、The Janus name and trademark is currently registered with the China trademark Bureau.
11、Most of these services used Microsoft's WMA format and Microsoft's Janus DRM system.
n. 杰纳斯两面神【医】 双面联胎 详情猜你喜欢
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