a straight fight造句
1、Tuttosport claims that Juventus and Inter are now set for a straight fight for the 24-year-old.
2、The election was a straight fight between the two main parties.
3、Of course it's not a straight fight between coal and nuclear.
a straight fight翻译
一对一的竞选 详情0
1、Constance used to be polluted but it hrecombining造句
1、The recombining of medical care resourvagabond造句
1、They are living a vagabond life.他们过著流浪fixture造句
1、a fixture for the distribution and usehasty造句
1、We patched up a hasty peace我们立刻达成和好的协议glue造句
1、With glue or adhesive tape for specialgrown造句
1、All were grown in conjunction with moupenumbra造句
1、A penumbra of doubt surrounds the incipurging造句
1、After the start-up time of the dryer,triptych造句
1、The question mark in the triptych is iacrylamide造句
1、Advance in determination of acrylamideending造句
1、The Q4 disjunct on its own is a compleswindle造句
1、The big bank swindle involved a lot ofstay over造句
1、I only had 750 euros with me so I hadmaster造句
1、And one day, a year after he had joinecopy to造句
1、In the copy to area, enter the actualidigital communication造句
1、The digital communication networks haveconomic man造句
1、The behavior of Economic Man is subjecmyeloid造句
1、Objective To study the therapy of prevprogram name造句
1、Otherwise, the fully-qualified program