1、Look at that crestfallen child, I very for his distress.
2、"He did it awfully well," said the crestfallen Rat.
3、I was crestfallen to go home.
4、My friend's nine-year-old son came home crestfallen from Sunday school one day.
a. 垂头丧气的, 意气沮丧的, 气馁的 详情0
1、I believe that the Opus will change thdisgrace造句
1、Harry is in disgrace because of his becolor code造句
1、Note: By assigning a color to each sithome buyer造句
1、In some situations, the home buyer mayperiarthritis造句
1、Objective: Effect of acupuncture and mpump造句
1、Vacuum pump repair package Vacuum pumpdeaerator造句
1、Auxiliary Boiler Series: If Atmospheribatt造句
1、This product has batt and felt state tphilatelic造句
1、If you know any philatelic homepages hin short supply造句
1、Other components in short supply incluexpect of造句
1、What kind of gender roles do you expecremnant造句
1、She bought a remnant of silk at a bargancient history造句
1、India and Nepal makes you feel an ancisidecar造句
1、In desperation Harry pointed his wandgalena造句
1、One is a compound, the other an elemencody造句
1、Cody accidentally hit me with a ball寇迪PBX造句
1、Influence of High Temperature Cyclingcreature造句
1、"Me Tiger Lily," that lovely creaturefall out of造句
1、They are the children who fall out ofdemand of造句
1、On the qualified personnel demand of E