1、Separation of Handset and PIM Card in PHS Phone Has Become a Trend
2、I was in Tangshan, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan to the PHS can post it?
3、Network optimization is a key link to the operation of PHS system.
4、By gain ground these plans in our province, we advanced the users' sensibility of PHS effectually.
5、PHS uses TDMA/TDD for its radio channel access method, and 32 kbit/s ADPCM for its voice codec.
6、Discussion on PHS Network Optimization
7、The Study of Marketing Strategy of PHS for JILIN CNC
8、Now the transient materials with higher resistance to PHS but without restorer genes were obtained.
9、Support the national fixed-line telecommunications PHS mobile phone!
10、Therefore the PHS network optimization commonly indicates the wireless network optimization.
11、At last, the ray tracing modeling is applied to the actual PHS indoor distribution system project.

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