1、At the moment, nobody knows if SIDS babies die of brachycardia or hypothermia or both.
2、Campaigns to promote sleeping on the back have cut the incidence of SIDS significantly.
3、In china, when good friends have a heart-to-heart talk, they stand sids by or hand in hand.
4、Exclusive breastfeeding at 1 month cut the risk of SIDS in half.
5、Only one of these special SIDs can be present in an authenticated user's context.
这些特殊的SID 中只能有一个存在于通过身份验证的用户的上下文中。
6、Some of the nerve cells of SIDS victims’ brainstems often look strange.
7、However, you can disable the ability to enumerate SIDs in your domain. Follow these steps.
8、Today, soft toys, illnesses, a stomach-lying position have all been linked to SIDS - but not cats.
9、SIDS sudden infant death syndrome, remains the chief killer of infants under age 1.
10、Avoid commercial devices marketed to reduce SIDS risk.
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