break; break off; give up; sever; snap; stop【医】 break
1.judge 2.stop 3.snap 4.off例句:
- 医生不得不用石膏绷带来固定他断了的胳膊。The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast.
- 他把花茎折断,汁液就流了出来。The sap flowed out when he broke the stem of the flower.
- 我可以很清楚地看到灯泡里的细丝断了。I can see clearly that the filament in the bulb is broken.
- 与岩石之间的摩擦加上攀登者的重量,使得绳子断了。Friction against the rock, combined with the weight of the climber, caused his rope to break.
- 大厦上有个被风折断的旗杆。There is a flagpole broken by wind on the building.
- 我的眼镜框断了!My eyeglass frame is broken!
- 树枝断了,落在地上。The branch broke and fell to the ground.
- 我完全相信他的判断。I trust his discretion absolutely.

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