n.(名词)A clear jelly typically made of stock and gelatin and used as a glaze or garnish or to make a mold of meat, fish, or vegetables.花色肉冻:尤指由肉汁和胶汁做的清的肉冻,可撒上糖粉或装饰物或做成肉类,鱼或蔬菜的形状
来源:French 法语 from aspic [asp (from the resemblance of the jelly`s coloration to an asp`s)] * see aspic 2源自 aspic [角蝰(源自果冻花色与角蝰花纹的相似)] *参见 aspic2
aspic 2
n.Archaic (名词)【古语】 An asp.角蝰(一种小毒蛇)
来源:French 法语 from Old French 源自 古法语 alteration of aspe aspe的变化 from Latin aspis * see asp 源自 拉丁语 aspis *参见 asp