A hat of cloth or straw, held in place by ribbons tied under the chin, that is worn by women and children.帽,童帽:一种布或草做的帽子,依靠绕过下巴的带子而紧固,供妇女和儿童戴用Scots A brimless cap worn by men.【苏格兰】 无边帽:一种男人戴的无边帽A removable metal plate over a machine part, such as a valve.阀帽:机器某部分上可移动的金属盘,比如阀上的Chiefly British The hood of an automobile.【多用于英国】 汽笛:汽车的喇叭
A windscreen for a chimney.烟囱罩:烟囱的挡风屏A cover for a fireplace.壁炉罩:壁炉的盖罩Nautical A strip of canvas laced to a fore-and-aft sail to increase sail area.【航海】 辅助帆:一片被绷在船头或船尾以增进航行区域的油布及物动词),,bon.nets To put a bonnet on.给…装上罩
来源:Middle English bonet [cap] 中古英语 bonet [帽] from Old French [material for a headdress] 源自 古法语 [饰头巾的材料] perhaps from Medieval Latin obbonis 可能源自 中世纪拉丁语 obbonis [probably of Germanic origin] [可能源于德国]